Sunday, July 29, 2012

Coda Slider Demo Setup

Coda Slider demo by Kevin Batdorf
Additional slider function options here

*Download sample files from dropbox,

1. Add following code in between <head></head>. This will attach all required external CSS and Javascript files. Be sure to check accurate file path in src and href values.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/coda-slider.css">

<script src="js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.20.custom.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.coda-slider-3.0.js"></script>


       autoHeight: true,

        /* used to remove previous and next buttons, set to true to use buttons*/              dynamicArrows: false,
        /* used to setup text label on previous and next buttons*/
 /*dynamicArrowLeftText: "&#171; previous",*/
       /* dynamicArrowRightText: "next &#187;",*/

2. Add following code in between <body></body>. **

**To modify tab/header panels, change content in between <h2></h2>. 
**To modify panel content, delete "//Content goes here" and add appropriate text, image or links.
**To adjust placement of coda slider, create <div></div> around existing content and create CSS with absolute positioning.

  <div class="coda-slider" id="slider-id">
              <h2 class="title">Panel 1</h2>
              //Content goes here

              <h2 class="title">Panel 2</h2>
              //Content goes here


3. Add non coda slider CSS rules in your own external CSS file (or internally in html doc). Modify coda slider styles (width of panels, color of tabs, etc) in coda-slider.css file.

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